Glossary of basic terms in the field of social dialogue
The International Labour Organisation
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a tripartite international organization in which member countries have representatives of their governments, employers and workers in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. The conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are international agreements and as such, in accordance with Article 141 of the Croatian Constitution, if ratified and published, they represent a part of the legal order in the Republic of Croatia and they override the national law.
Trade union commissioner
A trade union commissioner is an employee who is employed by the employer and has the right to protect and promote the rights and interests of union members. The employer has the obligation to enable the commissioner to exercise such rights in a timely and effective manner and provide access to information necessary for their realization, and the commissioner must exercise his rights in a manner that does not harm the employer's operations.
Trade union representative
A trade union representative has the same rights and obligations as a trade union commissioner, but he is not an employee of the employer and cannot be replaced by the Workers' Council.
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